
Most of the time, you probably don't want to create each code box or code view manually. Instead, you can create them all at once using creators.

Code View Creator

CodeViewCreator is a component that allows you to create multiple code views at once. The following example demonstrates how it can be used. You simply create an instance of CodeViewCreator class and call its create method, passing in a selector to target the <pre> elements from which the code views should be created. If no options are provided as the second parameter to the create method, the default options will be used. These default options can be set by passing them to the constructor when creating an instance of CodeViewCreator.

<pre data-my-code-view><code>let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));</code></pre>


<pre data-my-code-view><code>let string1 = "This is";
let string2 = " string.";

console.log(string1 + string2);</code></pre>
import { CodeViewCreator } from "@jirkasa/code-box";

const codeViewCreator = new CodeViewCreator();
let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));

let string1 = "This is";
let string2 = " string.";

console.log(string1 + string2);

Assigning Identifiers

When you use the CodeViewCreator to create code views, you don’t have direct access to the created code views. However, you can assign identifiers to the <pre> elements using the data-cb-id attribute as shown in the following example. After calling the create method to generate the code views, you can retrieve a specific code view by using the getCreatedCodeViewById method.

<pre data-my-code-view data-cb-id="MyIdentifier"><code>let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));</code></pre>
import { CodeViewCreator } from "@jirkasa/code-box";

const codeViewCreator = new CodeViewCreator();

const codeView = codeViewCreator.getCreatedCodeViewById("MyIdentifier");
let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));


CodeViewCreator has the following methods.

createCreates code views based on the provided selector.
getCreatedCodeViewByIdReturns created code view by id.
getCreatedCodeViewsReturns all created code views along with the dataset of their corresponding HTML <pre> elements.
getCreatedCodeViewsCountReturns the number of created code views.


create(selector: string, codeViewOptions: CodeViewOptions = this.defaultCodeViewOptions): number

Creates code views based on the provided selector.


selector : stringSelector used to find HTML <pre> elements to create code views from.
codeViewOptions ?: CodeViewOptionsThe options to be used, when creating code views. Defaults to the internal default options (provided to constructor).


numberNumber of created code views.


getCreatedCodeViewById(id: string): CodeView | null

Returns created code view by id.


id : stringId of created code view.


CodeView | nullCode view or null if code view was not found.


getCreatedCodeViews(): CodeViewCreatorEntry[]

Returns all created code views along with the dataset of their corresponding HTML <pre> elements.


CodeViewCreatorEntry[]An array of objects, each containing a created CodeView instance and the dataset of the HTML <pre> element.


getCreatedCodeViewsCount(): number

Returns the number of created code views.


numberThe number of created code views.

Code Box Creators

If you want to create multiple code boxes at once, you can use creators. There is a specific creator class for each type of code box:

All of these creator classes can accept default code box options as a parameter in the constructor, which will be used if no options are provided as the second parameter to the create method when creating code boxes.

Assigning Identifiers

All code box creator classes inherit from the generic CodeBoxCreator base class, which defines some common methods. One of these methods is getCreatedCodeBoxById, which allows you to retrieve a created code box by its identifier. These identifiers can be assigned to the root elements of code boxes using the data-cb-id attribute, as shown in the following example.

<div data-my-code-box data-cb-id="MyIdentifier">
    <pre data-cb-name="addition" data-cb-active><code>let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));</code></pre>
    <pre data-cb-name="connecting strings"><code>let string1 = "This is";
let string2 = " string.";

console.log(string1 + string2);</code></pre>
import { TabCodeBoxCreator } from "@jirkasa/code-box";

const codeBoxCreator = new TabCodeBoxCreator({
    svgSpritePath: "./img/icon-sprite.svg",
    svgSpriteIcons: {
        codeFile: "file",
        file: "file-2",
        download: "download"

const codeBox = codeBoxCreator.getCreatedCodeBoxById("MyIdentifier");
codeBox.setActiveCodeView("connecting strings");
let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));
let string1 = "This is";
let string2 = " string.";

console.log(string1 + string2);

Tab Code Box Creator

TabCodeBoxCreator can be used to create TabCodeBoxes. The following example shows how to do it. Simply create an instance of the TabCodeBoxCreator class and call the create method, passing in a selector to target the elements from which the code boxes should be created.

<div data-my-code-box>
    <pre data-cb-name="addition" data-cb-active><code>let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));</code></pre>
    <pre data-cb-name="connecting strings"><code>let string1 = "This is";
let string2 = " string.";

console.log(string1 + string2);</code></pre>
import { TabCodeBoxCreator } from "@jirkasa/code-box";

const codeBoxCreator = new TabCodeBoxCreator({
    svgSpritePath: "./img/icon-sprite.svg",
    svgSpriteIcons: {
        codeFile: "file",
        file: "file-2",
        download: "download"
let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));
let string1 = "This is";
let string2 = " string.";

console.log(string1 + string2);


TabCodeBoxCreator has the following methods.

createCreates code boxes based on the provided selector.
getCreatedCodeBoxByIdReturns created code box by id.
getCreatedCodeBoxesReturns all created code boxes along with the dataset of their root elements.
getCreatedCodeBoxesCountReturns the number of created code boxes.


create(selector: string, codeBoxOptions: TabCodeBoxOptions = this.defaultCodeBoxOptions): number

Creates code boxes based on the provided selector.


selector : stringSelector used to find HTML elements to create code boxes from.
codeBoxOptions ?: TabCodeBoxOptionsThe options to be used, when creating code boxes. Defaults to the internal default options (provided to constructor).


numberNumber of created code boxes.


getCreatedCodeBoxById(id: string): TabCodeBox | null

Returns created code box by id.


id : stringId of created code box.


TabCodeBox | nullCode box or null if code box was not found.


getCreatedCodeBoxes(): CodeBoxCreatorEntry<TabCodeBox>[]

Returns all created code boxes along with the dataset of their root elements.


CodeBoxCreatorEntry<TabCodeBox>[]An array of objects, each containing a created code box and the dataset of its root element.


getCreatedCodeBoxesCount(): number

Returns the number of created code boxes.


numberThe number of created code boxes.

Project Code Box Creator

ProjectCodeBoxCreator can be used to create ProjectCodeBoxes. The following example shows how to do it. Simply create an instance of the ProjectCodeBoxCreator class and call the create method, passing in a selector to target the elements from which the code boxes should be created.

<div data-my-code-box data-cb-project-name="example-app">
    <pre data-cb-active data-cb-name="style.css" data-cb-folder="css" data-cb-active><code>h1 {
    font-size: 16px;
    color: red;
    <pre data-cb-name="main.js" data-cb-folder="js"><code>let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));</code></pre>
import { ProjectCodeBoxCreator } from "@jirkasa/code-box";

const codeBoxCreator = new ProjectCodeBoxCreator({
    minCodeViewLinesCount: 10,
    svgSpritePath: "./img/icon-sprite.svg",
    svgSpriteIcons: {
        codeFile: "file",
        file: "file-2",
        download: "download",
        panelOpenButton: "double-arrow-right",
        folderArrow: "arrow-right",
        folder: "folder",
        project: "inventory",
        package: "package"
h1 {
    font-size: 16px;
    color: red;
let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));


As described here, project code boxes can inherit from other project code boxes. When using ProjectCodeBoxCreator to create code boxes, you can specify a parent code box by adding the data-cb-extends attribute to the root element of code box. Simply set the value of data-cb-extends attribute to match the data-cb-id attribute of the parent code box as shown in the following example.

<div data-my-code-box data-cb-id="1" data-cb-project-name="example-app">
    <pre data-cb-active data-cb-name="style.css" data-cb-folder="css" data-cb-active><code>h1 {
    font-size: 16px;
    color: red;
    <pre data-cb-name="main.js" data-cb-folder="js"><code>let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));</code></pre>


<div data-my-code-box data-cb-extends="1" data-cb-id="2">
    <pre data-cb-name="readme.txt" data-cb-active><code>This is an example app to show code box inheritance.</code></pre>
import { ProjectCodeBoxCreator } from "@jirkasa/code-box";

const codeBoxCreator = new ProjectCodeBoxCreator({
    minCodeViewLinesCount: 10,
    svgSpritePath: "./img/icon-sprite.svg",
    svgSpriteIcons: {
        codeFile: "file",
        file: "file-2",
        download: "download",
        panelOpenButton: "double-arrow-right",
        folderArrow: "arrow-right",
        folder: "folder",
        project: "inventory",
        package: "package"
h1 {
    font-size: 16px;
    color: red;
let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));

This is an example app to show code box inheritance.


ProjectCodeBoxCreator has the following methods.

createCreates code boxes based on the provided selector.
getCreatedCodeBoxByIdReturns created code box by id.
getCreatedCodeBoxesReturns all created code boxes along with the dataset of their root elements.
getCreatedCodeBoxesCountReturns the number of created code boxes.


create(selector: string, codeBoxOptions: ProjectCodeBoxOptions = this.defaultCodeBoxOptions): number

Creates code boxes based on the provided selector.


selector : stringSelector used to find HTML elements to create code boxes from.
codeBoxOptions ?: ProjectCodeBoxOptionsThe options to be used, when creating code boxes. Defaults to the internal default options (provided to constructor).


numberNumber of created code boxes.


getCreatedCodeBoxById(id: string): ProjectCodeBox | null

Returns created code box by id.


id : stringId of created code box.


ProjectCodeBox | nullCode box or null if code box was not found.


getCreatedCodeBoxes(): CodeBoxCreatorEntry<ProjectCodeBox>[]

Returns all created code boxes along with the dataset of their root elements.


CodeBoxCreatorEntry<ProjectCodeBox>[]An array of objects, each containing a created code box and the dataset of its root element.


getCreatedCodeBoxesCount(): number

Returns the number of created code boxes.


numberThe number of created code boxes.

Virtual Code Box Creator

VirtualCodeBoxCreator can be used to create VirtualCodeBoxes. The following example shows how to do it. Simply create an instance of the VirtualCodeBoxCreator class and call the create method, passing in a selector to target the elements from which the code boxes should be created.

<div data-my-code-box>
    <pre data-cb-name="addition" data-cb-active><code>let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));</code></pre>
    <pre data-cb-name="connecting strings"><code>let string1 = "This is";
let string2 = " string.";

console.log(string1 + string2);</code></pre>
import { VirtualCodeBoxCreator } from "@jirkasa/code-box";

const codeBoxCreator = new VirtualCodeBoxCreator();
let x = 1;
let y = 2;

console.log("result: " + (x + y));
let string1 = "This is";
let string2 = " string.";

console.log(string1 + string2);


VirtualCodeBoxCreator has the following methods.

createCreates code boxes based on the provided selector.
getCreatedCodeBoxByIdReturns created code box by id.
getCreatedCodeBoxesReturns all created code boxes along with the dataset of their root elements.
getCreatedCodeBoxesCountReturns the number of created code boxes.


create(selector: string, codeBoxOptions: CodeBoxOptions = this.defaultCodeBoxOptions): number

Creates code boxes based on the provided selector.


selector : stringSelector used to find HTML elements to create code boxes from.
codeBoxOptions ?: CodeBoxOptionsThe options to be used, when creating code boxes. Defaults to the internal default options (provided to constructor).


numberNumber of created code boxes.


getCreatedCodeBoxById(id: string): VirtualCodeBox | null

Returns created code box by id.


id : stringId of created code box.


VirtualCodeBox | nullCode box or null if code box was not found.


getCreatedCodeBoxes(): CodeBoxCreatorEntry<VirtualCodeBox>[]

Returns all created code boxes along with the dataset of their root elements.


CodeBoxCreatorEntry<VirtualCodeBox>[]An array of objects, each containing a created code box and the dataset of its root element.


getCreatedCodeBoxesCount(): number

Returns the number of created code boxes.


numberThe number of created code boxes.